Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Rain Golf, Anyone?

Desparate for an outside activity that would allow Mary Kate to watch from the dryness of the garage, Mom invented what is sure to be the newest preschool sport craze...rain golf. Ethan suited up in his raincoat, boots, and umbrella...but he quickly ditched the umbrella when he realized a golf club was involved.

But before he hit the course, he wrote a special message for our friends in Indiana. So, Evie, Annalise, Jenni, and Jim, this picture is for you. Ethan wrote the greeting himself.

Here's Ethan teeing up his shot.

Hmm...that wasn't my usual ultra-long drive. Must be this raincoat...I think it is seriously restricting my backswing.
You'll notice that Ethan is not using the wiffle golf balls that Mom got out for him. Nope, he is a purist when it comes to the sport (Papa Wheeler, we know you'll be proud). He went straight to Dad's stash of real golf balls and proclaimed, "Mom, I can't use those holey balls. They aren't real." I guess we'll have to call the golf course and see if they allow 3 year olds on the driving range!

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