Saturday, March 31, 2007

The Deluge...Day Two

The rain continued non-stop today. This morning, Ethan (and Mom) attended a birthday party for his friend, Millie, while Mary Kate napped and Dad tackled a shower caulking project.

We read books together this afternoon after naps. Here's Mary Kate with her current favorite.

Ethan decided to join Mary Kate in the chair and read one of his favorites to her. It's called Counting Kisses.

Since we still couldn't get outside for a walk or play time after supper due to the pouring rain, we decided to do a little brother/sister comparison photo project.

Here's Mary Kate at 10 months, 20 days old.

And Ethan, at 10 months 10 days old.

Here's hoping we can get outside and enjoy some fresh air tomorrow. For now, we are looking out the window into the back yard and wishing for a little sunshine.

Friday, March 30, 2007

A Rainy Day

It rained all day, so we hung out inside. We caught up on some gift wrapping and Easter card decorating. Then we read a zillion books. After naps (yes...both kids took naps this afternoon...whoo hoo!) Ethan decided we should set up the pack and play for Mary Kate. She thought it was fun...for about 2 minutes.

After Dad got home from work, it was still raining, so we declared a movie and popcorn night. Mary Kate missed out on the festivities, as she had a bath and was asleep by 6:30 pm. We watched Cars and Dad and E shared a ginormous bowl of popcorn

Beau got some, too. He's a good popcorn catcher.

About halfway through the movie, Ethan needed to burn off some of his popcorn energy, so he performed a number of acrobatic stunts choreographed to the Cars soundtrack.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Just a Swingin'

Today we had great swinging weather. We played outside with Mom all afternoon , then Dad pushed us on the swings until it started getting dark and Mom made us come inside for supper and baths. Ethan wore jingle bells around his wrists pretty much all day...because he felt "jingly-good" when he jumped and hopped with them on. Needless to say, Mom, and most of the neighbors knew where he was at all times, thanks to his bells.
Mary Kate was a giggle machine in her swing. She loved it!
Ethan: "Higher, Dad! Am I touching the sky yet?"