Friday, March 30, 2007

A Rainy Day

It rained all day, so we hung out inside. We caught up on some gift wrapping and Easter card decorating. Then we read a zillion books. After naps (yes...both kids took naps this afternoon...whoo hoo!) Ethan decided we should set up the pack and play for Mary Kate. She thought it was fun...for about 2 minutes.

After Dad got home from work, it was still raining, so we declared a movie and popcorn night. Mary Kate missed out on the festivities, as she had a bath and was asleep by 6:30 pm. We watched Cars and Dad and E shared a ginormous bowl of popcorn

Beau got some, too. He's a good popcorn catcher.

About halfway through the movie, Ethan needed to burn off some of his popcorn energy, so he performed a number of acrobatic stunts choreographed to the Cars soundtrack.

1 comment:

Dave Richards said...

Hey nice photos...and looks like you guys had a lot of fun...and well since Easter is almost here just drop by my blog on Easter Greetings sometime and check out all that's there!!!