Friday, October 26, 2007

Wheelbarrow Kids

Yesterday after Dad got home from work, Ethan and Mary Kate helped him haul leaves and yard clippings from the front yard out to the back field. They loved riding in the wheelbarrow!

Mary Kate spotted a plane up in the sky during the wheelbarrow ride.

Fun in the Leaves!

Ethan has been a leaf-raking machine this week. His favorite part, of course, is jumping in the pile. Now that it's finally stopped raining, we've been getting lots of yard work done in the afternoons during Mary Kate's nap, which is why there aren't any pictures of her covered in leaves.

Prince Ethan of Grilzburg Gets Ready for Halloween

Ethan has been working hard on his Halloween costume this year. He's going to be a prince. When I showed him the pattern for his cape, he noticed that the little boy in the picture was holding a sceptor and he said "Mom, where's my prince wand?" So, with some help from Dad, we made one out of a wooden dowel, a styrofoam ball, gold glitter paint, and gemstone stickers.

Here he is showing off the finished creation, along with his crown, which he wore during the entire sceptor-creation process.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Dad's Going to the Van Halen Concert Next Week!

As many of you know, John turns the big 4-0 in just a few short weeks. We heard that Van Halen was coming to town and knew that Dad would love to see one of his all time favorite bands. Here's Ethan helping him open his present.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Mary Kate's First Big PlayDoh Adventure

Today Mary Kate had a blast playing with PlayDoh at the kitchen table. Her favorite part is squishing her fingers into it. She also prefers the green-colored PlayDoh, for some reason.

Marble Run Fun

While Mary Kate was squishing PlayDoh, Ethan built a great marble run. It's been raining alot here, so we've been stuck indoors in the afternoons. We can't wait for some dry weather to get out and run off some steam!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Cowboy Ethan

Today, Ethan woke up and wanted to wear his cowboy clothes to preschool. Here he is in full cowboy gear...the hat and boots were purchased on our summer vacation to Montana. What a handsome little cowpoke he makes!