Sunday, April 29, 2007

Baby Shower for the Wells Family

Today we hosted a baby shower for the Wells Family. To kick things off, Laura and Ethan took a spin on the tractor before coming inside for the festivities.

Mary Kate woke up from her nap shortly after the party started and Laura helped her play with farm animals.

After brunch, Ethan and Laura helped Michele and Mike cut and serve the carrot cake that Mom made. They were so excited...since they had spent the last hour asking "When are we having cake?"

After cake, the Wells family opened presents. Baby Wells and soon to be big sister Laura got lots of nice books.

Then everyone headed outside to enjoy the beautiful 80 degree weather. Here's Mary Kate doing her new favorite thing...pushing the walker on the grass.
And she also loves to climb in and out of the kid-sized lawn chairs!

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