Tuesday, December 1, 2009

First Hockey Practice

In November, Ethan started his first year of hockey. Last year, he learned to skate and loved playing hockey with friends and Dad. This year, he signed up for Mini Mites. His team practices once every week throughout the winter, and he is having a great time learning how to play the game with many new friends from kindergarten.

Here he is suited up for his first practice and waiting to get his jersey and go out on the ice. Mom was a little nervous, as his collar bone fracture (from a fall at the apple orchard in September) was only 5 1/2 weeks before the first practice, but our pediatrician assured me (several times!) that his bone was healed very well and he was perfectly fine to play.

Ethan says "Hi!" to a friend before the coaches rounded everyone up.

Ethan did a great job listening to his coaches. For the first practice, after the coaches explained a drill, they asked the kids to raise their hands to show they were ready to go. Here's Ethan showing his "ready" hand.


I'll post some more hockey updates next week, after I upload the last batch of photos from the camera to the PC.

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