Friday, January 25, 2008

Birthday Preparations and Antibiotics All Around

Yesterday, Ethan received a birthday package from Grandma and Grandpa Wheeler. A new Spiderman shirt and a fleece scarf! Ethan put both on immediately and wore them all afternoon, pretending to be Spiderman and singing "Spiderman, Spiderman...does what only a spider can..."
Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!!

In health news, the kids have been pretty sick since Sunday, both running high fevers. Ethan was diagnosed with strep on Tuesday and has been on antibiotics. He is feeling alot better and is excited (and not at all contagious) for his big dinosaur birthday party tomorrow at Tamarack Nature Center. Most of his preschool class and two other friends are coming...we will have 16 three and four year olds in one room with one naturalist/teacher and 3 parents. Say a prayer for us tomorrow.

Mary Kate did not test positive for strep on Tuesday and had no sign of an ear infection, despite running a temp of 102....but has not slept more than a couple hours at a time since Sunday night. Mom was sure it was an ear infection due to her symptoms and the fact that she wanted to sleep upright while being held. Today, after the 48 hour culture on the strep came back negative, a re-check of her ears shows severe infection in both ears. She is now also on antibiotics and we hope she sleeps for a longer stretch tonight.

Here's a picture of the dinosaur cake that we made yesterday. Ethan chose the colors of green and orange for his dino.
And lastly, today Ethan received a birthday present from Great Aunt Rayetta and Great Uncle Steve, whose cattle ranch we visited this summer on our Montana vacation. They sent him a fantastic belt buckle with his initial on it. Watch for a picture of him in his full cowboy duds soon...hat, boots, and buckle! He is very proud of the "shiny Ethan cowboy buckle."

Thanks, Aunt Rayetta and Uncle Steve!!

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