The MN Climatology Working group is calling last week's weather "Extreme Cold." When natives use these words, it translates to "unsurvivable cold" to most mere mortals. According to these experts, "many Minnesota observers are reporting the coldest January since 1994. At least 8 Minnesota communities have seen temperatures of -40 degrees F or colder this month. "
And it appears there is no warm up in sight. If the Twin Cities stays below 32 degrees for the rest of the month, this will be the first time in thirty years where there hasn't been a January thaw and only the forth time this has happened since 1891.
But here, nothing really shuts down except for a handful of schools and people simply shrug and say, "What do you expect? It's Minnesota." Last week, the low temp on 1/15 was 21 below with -40 windchill. White Bear Lake did NOT close schools. Mahtomedi did, so preschool was cancelled on Friday.
The long weekend gaveus a chance to clean the house and start getting ready for Ethan's upcoming birthday party, which we are hosting at our house, at Ethan's request. The highlight will be the pinata, which has become a party favorite at our house. We got creative for this one (all part of Mom's master plan to prevent any more candy from taking up residence in our kitchen) and purchased larger non-candy items, which Ethan labeled for each child. So, come the 31st, we'll see how matchbox cars, stickers, pom pom socks and gum fare when the pinata cracks open. Hopefully, no one sustains any matchbox car head injuries.
So here's a recap of our month so far. After New Year's, we made our annual trip to the Wilderness Resort waterpark. This is a key trip for Mom, as we all get out of the house for 3 or 4 days and swim, play and expose our skin to some natural sunlight under the water dome.
Mary Kate is overjoyed to shed all her layers and soak up some sun.
After we got home from the waterpark, we attended a Sesame Street Live show called Elmo's Green Thumb. We got to the Target Center with lots of time to spare, so first we found our seats and were instantly bombarded with food vendor appeals. We got popcorn and Dad snapped a shot of the eager popcorn faced fans.
The show began and MK really got her groove on. She danced through 80% of the show. Ethan was looking really tired by 8pm, but did stay awake until the show ended at about 8:30. It was a quiet van ride home with both kids out cold before we maneuvered out of downtown Mpls.
Last week we completed Ethan's child of the week poster for preschool. Here's Ethan with the finished project, which is now proudly on display in his classroom.
I also started spring semester classes...Life Span Developmental Psychology and a chemistry class. Both are going well. I also finished up and submitted my application to St. Kate's Post-Baccalaureate Nursing program, which is a BSN program for people who already have a BS in another area of study. Getting in to this program is tough...St. Kate's accepted just 26 applicants last year out of a pool of over 150. So cross your fingers and toes for me!