Monday, June 23, 2008

MarketFest...Summer's Official Kickoff

At our house, summer officially begins on the first MarketFest night of the season. The weather was fabulous on Thursday night and we enjoyed music by Lamont Cranston, the bouncy house maze, face painting, and the company of good friends.

The kids take their stations watching for Dad to come home from work.

The bouncy house maze was at the top of Ethan's list. Mary Kate loved it, too.

The free face painting booth was next. Ethan chose a spider. Mary Kate chose a caterpillar, but would not let the lady get her paintbrush close to her face, so she got hers on her arm. Both arms actually. A caterpillar on each. Getting your face or arms painted makes a kid thirsty, so sno-cones were required.

After that, we settled in for some groovy music and stayed up way past our normal bed time. Ahh...summer is here.

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