Thursday, December 17, 2009

Decorating the Christmas tree

I finished up my Anatomy and Physiology class on Monday night and will have the next 4 weeks off from classes. Hooray! Now on to some overdue and hefty blog updates!

To get things started off on a festive note, here are some pictures of the Christmas tree decorating. We decorate our Christmas tree the Sunday after Thanskgiving. This year, the kids really enjoyed hearing all the stories behind each ornament. Since there were so many stories and memories to share, the decorating took pretty much all afternoon.

This year, the kids made Perler bead ornaments (the plastic beads you arrange on a tray and then iron). The candy cane is one of their creations. They thought the ironing part was very exciting because it melted the beads and "glued" them together.

Mary Kate got hot and ditched her sweater before Mom could get a picture of her in it.

Tucker was eager to help. He must think there are pheasants under the tree, because he kept running under it and then jumping out from under the lower branches. No birds though. When the ornaments came out, mama put him in his crate. He was well behaved in his crate and I'm happy to report that after many reminders of "No!" he hasn't eaten any ornaments or knocked the tree over (yet!).

We finished trimming the tree at about 6 pm and the house was so covered in decorations and boxes, we had a hard time finding the kitchen. Since it was a school night and we needed a fast supper, we went out for a Happy Meal. Ethan was really surprised that Mom was going to allow a visit to McDonald's since she read the book The Omnivore's Dilemma over the summer and convinced the family to swear off fast food based on the horrifying ingredients contained therein! But we didn't eat the chicken nuggets (way too many petroleum products). We had hamburgers and french fries minus the salt. Poor kids...their mama is a little hard core when it comes to nutrition!

And finally, sibling love in front of the Christmas doesn't get any better than this!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Meet Tucker!

Many of you know that our beloved dog, Beau, died peacefully, but unexpectedly, at home on Labor Day. As a result, the past few months have been filled with lots of sadness for our family.

After Beau passed away, Ethan started kindergarten and Mary Kate started preschool. School activities, especially Ethan's full day kindergarten schedule, provided plenty to keep the kids busy...which was a good thing. At the end of September, Ethan fell while playing outside at our local apple orchard and broke his left collar bone. The following week, H1N1 hit our house. Only Ethan and Mom got it, which we were very thankful for. All in all, though, it was a pretty rough stretch.
Then we received some exciting news. An English Springer Spaniel field champion breeder whom we respect and trust had a litter of pups become available. Although the timing was sooner than Mom felt ready for, the opportunity for a puppy from Mr. Bannie is not something that happens frequently. So, Dad went out and previewed the litter. He liked the overall temperament, energy and alertness of the litter. We decided to purchase a puppy and told the kids. We all went to pick one out. Ethan and Mary Kate fell in love with the same puppy and pronounced him the "most snuggly."

We named the little guy Tucker.

And here he is, under the Christmas tree.

I can't say that potty training a puppy is my favorite thing in the world...but Tucker is extremely intelligent, and after several busy weeks filled with countless trips outside and utterings of the the phrase "do your business!" I am happy to say we are the proud owners of a beautiful, rambunctious, loveable, and house-trained puppy. Hooray!

Coyote Sighting

Last week, I walked into the family room and noticed this coyote out on the trail behind our house.

I think it was hunting voles, as it sat perfectly still right near their dirt piles for over half an hour.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

First Hockey Practice

In November, Ethan started his first year of hockey. Last year, he learned to skate and loved playing hockey with friends and Dad. This year, he signed up for Mini Mites. His team practices once every week throughout the winter, and he is having a great time learning how to play the game with many new friends from kindergarten.

Here he is suited up for his first practice and waiting to get his jersey and go out on the ice. Mom was a little nervous, as his collar bone fracture (from a fall at the apple orchard in September) was only 5 1/2 weeks before the first practice, but our pediatrician assured me (several times!) that his bone was healed very well and he was perfectly fine to play.

Ethan says "Hi!" to a friend before the coaches rounded everyone up.

Ethan did a great job listening to his coaches. For the first practice, after the coaches explained a drill, they asked the kids to raise their hands to show they were ready to go. Here's Ethan showing his "ready" hand.


I'll post some more hockey updates next week, after I upload the last batch of photos from the camera to the PC.

Three and A Half!

Last month, Mary Kate turned 3 and 1/2! She and Ethan had lots of fun in the kitchen helping bake and decorate her cake.

Ethan was eager to help blow out the candles, which was met with a fairly stern "No. I can do it myself!"

Earlier in the day, we made a trip to the library to get her very own library card and check out some new books. After that, Mary Kate spent about an hour outside pushing her baby around the driveway in her new doll stroller.